Drainage and Utilities Help


DANDAS is a standard that is used by Danish water companies for the exchange of data for sewer networks. See https://www.danva.dk/viden/datamodeller/dandas-312/dandas-26-dokumentation/ for details on the standard.


The export of storm water and waste water nodes and links in XML format is supported. Two files are created - one for nodes, and one for links.

The export process reads values from the properties in the Drainage and Utilities databases and maps them to the relevant fields in the XML files. Each line of data in the XML file is followed by a comment line, which provides information on where the data came from. Most of the information is read from the Drainage database. Data from the Utilities database is used as follows:

Operational Status is mapped to <StatusKode>

Network Type is mapped to <TypeAfloebKode>

By default, Drainage and Utilities stores most, but not all, of the information required in the XML files. In the cases where required information is not available by default, User Data eXtensions have been used to add what's missing, as follows:


(Drainage property, UDX name, Dandas property)

Material, MaterialeKode, <MaterialeKode>

Cover shape, FormKode, <FormKode>

Cover material, CoverMaterialeKode, <MaterialeKode>


(Drainage property, UDX name, Dandas property)

Pressure class, TryktrinKode, <TryktrinKode>

Has a foot, MedFod, <MedFod>

The default value for UDX can be set in a prototype, and the prototype is then specified in the feature definition. This means that feature definitions can be preconfigured in the DGNLib to set the UDX correctly.